
Showing posts from June, 2020


Hello guys, how are you?  Hope you are doing well.  I keep presenting new interesting topics and interesting articles to you, which will calm your mind by reading. Today we are going to discuss some real things related to our life, which you will like.  Learning approach  I have so much experience that from the school, man is actually able to get less knowledge than incomplete and even more than that in his life.  There he can memorize books only by listening to books and teachings, but he can give them functional form only in his daily life.  In fact, what we learn is not from any school but from the school of our life, we can take the right meaning of the word 'learning'.  When we look around us to get education, we know that our vision teaches us, gives us an opportunity to learn.  The rise of the sun, the tweet of birds, the burden of so many creatures of the earth is not learned at all. The world is a teacher Friends, every day in our life we ​​keep learn

Meditation takes place only after adjusting the rhythm of life

                               Meditation  Purpose     The main purpose of meditation in our life is to establish a rhythm with nature and the environment around us, to establish a rhythm with it. Whatever is around us in nature, like - there is climate, there are medicines, there is vegetation, there is earth, there is sky, it is a goal of meditation to establish a balance with them, a music, a harmony. From the point of view, there is a rhythm in our own life and if it is not there then there is no beauty in life. There is not a kind of happiness in life, which makes life seem incomplete.              Cause of Mourning in Life         Life is a nature of living, a style of living. If that style of life, that nature or the way of living life gets disturbed, then life begins to distort. When lifestyle gets disturbed then diseases start coming in the body and mind and thinking style deteriorates, then mourning starts. Like when the rhythm is established in the sound in


Why  Yoga  Day is celebrated only on 21 June ? In today's era full of differences and disputes,if almost all the countries of the world support each other on any one issue by mutual agreement, then it should be accepted that the issue will definitely be related to global interest.  Yoga Day, celebrated worldwide on 21 June, is one such event.  In India, yoga is recognized as a mental, physical and spiritual method of healthy living for almost 5000 years and is part of the lifestyles of the people of our country.  Prime Minister Narendra Modi calls on UN General Assembly On September 27, 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called on the United Nations General Assembly to celebrate Yoga Day worldwide.  The announcement of International Yoga Day was a great moment for India as the United Nations General Assembly announced its event within just three months of the proposal coming.  The Mahasabha announced on December 11, 2014 that June 21 would be celebrated a


                                      REVOLUTIONARY Today's countrymen do not know that the true Hindustani were the ones who made the supreme sacrifice to free the mother of India from the shackles of subordination, and to protect independent India, sometimes Pakistan, sometimes China and then on the icy peaks of Kargil in the palm of life.  He conquered the enemy by taking iron from the enemy. He gave his soldiers for their country.   Do we countrymen know that Ashfaq Ulla Khan, the martyr of the Kakori scandal, said before he was hanged - 'I was born in the land of Hindustan, Hindustan is my home, my religion and faith.  I will die for Hindustan and I will feel a difference in its soil.   Even before martyr Madan Lal Dhingra was hanged in London's Pattern Ville jail, he said, "Bharat Mama's service to me is like worshiping Shri Ram and Krishna."  The sons of India- daughters used to sing the same song in Swatantra Samar-   We belong to Hindustan, Hindustan


     Hello friends, I have always been presenting     things related to human life to you in my blog,   and I have been sharing my experience. Friend-    s, if you like my post then you will definitely like and comment. Because we will always in my blog  We try to convey the knowledge and experience inside us to others so that they can be of some benefit. Let us know some things related to human life in this article.    Nowadays a thought has started by psychologists all over the world, whether man can be bound in boundaries? Because man's consciousness is vast and there is no miniaturization of the universe. When man is infinite, its expansion is like the sky and  Whatever is capable of doing, how can that boundless be bound within limits?  How is it possible if a tiger tries to become a cat?  does not happen.    A person resolves to become a doctor, engineer, also prepares and on the exact exam day, he falls ill or something untoward happens.  Then how will he reach his goal?  Wh

Thought Affects Matter

     Thought is an energy, energy, which manifests in the inner conscience of humans. Just as mind disorder produces work, anger, greed etc., similarly, mind disorder also produces thoughts.  We have been considering the idea as an emotion, which was not considered any meaning. We used to think that something like a wind blows up in the mind and dissolves like a wave of the ocean. So far the ocean wave has no energy.  It was believed, but now it has been proved that there is immense energy in the ocean waves, it also produces anion power that provides health to the body. Now it has become clear that the idea is an energy.  Science is now fully convinced that thought is an energy, and a very powerful energy. It is also very fast, its velocity is so strong that it revolves around the Earth three times in a second.  The velocity of thought can be estimated from this only.  It has such a velocity that it can easily affect any object.  Matter is a gross object and thought is a superficial e


            Everyone loves success in life. Every person wishes that he gets more and more success.  It is said that success is found only by the person who truly wants to succeed because the person who makes up his mind to succeed with             sincerity, his body becomes eager to achieve that success.  It is said- "You will be what you think."  First decide what you want?  Success comes later, first clarify your desire, it should be known that what is your desire after all?  Because the person who wants to become a doctor in the morning, engineer in the afternoon and become a leader by evening, the person himself does not know what he needs in life.   The question is, what do you want?  A person who once decides that I have to achieve such a goal, then only he is engaged in the process of the same, he has only one goal in his life.  A person whose thoughts are not stable, he is unable to reach anywhere.   Success and failure are the thing of man's own hand. If your d


       Our life and nature are closely related.  Truth be told, nature is derived from the divine power of the universe and man or life has come out of nature. The origin of both is the same, so the element which is in nature, the same element is also in the body. Nature five elements earth, water,  The air is made up of fire and the sky and our body is also made of these elements. All the five elements are visible in the world, all of them are present in them. From space to space there is only one element, the difference is only in quantity.  is.          There are ten senses in our body, similarly every organism in the world has senses. One in the mountain, three in the tree, other animals have less and more senses in the same way. These senses connect our body with nature.  The body breathes through those holes which are two million pores and the body communicates with the senses, thus our body is completely dependent on nature. Healthy and ill health of the body depends on contact

प्रारंभिक भाषा शिक्षण का महत्व

आप सभी यह जानते हैं कि भाषा हमें सोचने तर्क करने,विश्लेषण करने,अपने विचारों को व्यवस्थित करने निष्कर्ष निकालने जैसी मानसिक प्रक्रियाओं के काबिल बनाती है।यह सभी प्रक्रियाएँ सीखने-सीखाने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं।इस प्रकार भाषा सभी विषयों के सीखने में बुनियाद का काम करती है।  जो बच्चे प्रारंभिक कक्षाओं में भाषायी कौशल सीखने में पिछड़ जाते हैं,वे आगे की कक्षाओं में पिछड़ते ही चले जाते हैं और धीरे-धीरे यह फासला बढ़ता ही चला जाता है।इसलिए यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है,कि बच्चे प्रारंभिक कक्षाओं में ही पढ़नेऔर लिखने के बढ़िया कौशल अर्जित करले।  हैलिडे के अनुसार-जब बच्चे भाषा सीखते हैं तो वे बहुत सारे विकल्पों में से सिर्फ एक ही चीज नहीं सीख रहे होते हैं,बल्कि सीखने के आधारशिला सीख रहे होते हैं। भाषा सीखने का माध्यम है।भाषा के माध्यम से ही हम सोंचना,विश्लेषण करना,निष्कर्ष निकालना,समस्याओं को हल करना,विचारों को व्यवस्थित करना और तर्क करना जैसी मानसिक क्रियाएँ करते हैं,जो सीखने की प्रक्रियाओं का मूल आधार है।स्कूलों में साक्षरता विकास केसुनने,बोलने,पढ़नेऔर लिखने के कौशलों में विभाजित किया

विश्व साइकिल दिवस

साइकिल की विशेषता और बहुमुखी प्रतिभा को पहचानने के लिए 3जून को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विश्व साइकिल दिवस मनाया जाता है।संयुक्त राष्ट्र द्वारा पहला अधिकारिक विश्व साइकिल दिवस 3 जून,2018 को मनाया गया था।यह दिवस परिवहन के एक सरल,किफायती ,भरोसेमंद और पर्यावरण की सुरक्षा को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए मनाया जाता है। इतिहास-यूरोपीय देशों में साइकिल के प्रयोग का विचार लोगों के दिमाग में 18वीं शताब्दी के उत्तरार्ध में ही आ चुका था,लेकिन इसे मूर्तरुप सर्वप्रथम सन् 1816 में पेरिस के एक कारीगर ने दिया।उस यंत्र को हाॅबी हाॅर्स,अर्थात काठ का घोड़ा कहते थे ।पैर से घुमाये जाने वाले पैडल(क्रैंकों)युक्त पहिया का आविष्कार सन् 1865 ई. में पेरिस निवासी "Lallement" ने किया इस यंत्र को "Velociped" कहते थे।इस पर चढ़ने वाले को बेहद थकावट हो जाती थी।अत: इसे " Bone Shaker"भी कहने लगे।इसकी सवारी लोकप्रिय हो जाने के कारण,इसकी बढ़ती मांग को देखकर इंगलैण्ड,फ्रांसऔर अमेरिका के यंत्र निर्माताओं ने इसमें अनेक महत्वपूर्ण सुधार कर सन् 1872 में एक सुन्दर रुप दे दिया,जिसमें लोहे की पतली पट्टी के तानयुक्त

World Bicycle Day

International World Cycle Day is observed on June 3 to recognize the specialty and versatility of the bicycle. The first official World Cycle Day was celebrated by the United Nations on June 3, 2018. This day is a simple, economical, reliable and environment of transportation  Celebrated to encourage security.  History- The idea of ​​using the bicycle in European countries had come to the mind of the people only in the late 18th century, but it was first conceived by a Parisian artisan in 1816. The instrument was called hobby horse, that is, a wooden horse.  In 1865 AD, the resident of Paris, "Lallement", invented the wheel with a foot-paddle (cranks). The device was called "Velociped". The one who climbed it would get very tired.  Bone Shaker ". As its ride became popular, the instrument manufacturers in England, France and the United States made several significant improvements to it, giving it a beautiful look in 1872, with a thin iron striped wheel.  In th


What is nature?  How can we understand nature.? Is human life possible without nature.? Come, friends, in this article I want to share a little experience related to nature. Nature is an important part of our life. Any object.  Whether or not it exists in the universe, it is authenticated by science. To find and not to be an object, one has to search by science and present evidence. According to the Dharma Shastras, mankind originated on earth since time immemorial.  In the forests, animals are found in the wild and in the sky, birds are found in aquatic animals and insects and insects crawling on the ground are found.  All these have been originated in the eternal times. According to the religious texts, all the animals found in the world, animals, birds, aquatic animals, trees, plants crawl on the ground-  God created all the small living beings, everything in the universe, and in the end God also made intelligent humans. According to the scriptures, we can say that God has made all


Better education is very important for everyone to move forward in life and achieve success. It helps in building confidence in us as well as in building our personality. School education plays a great role in everyone's life.  Is divided into three parts like primary education, secondary education and higher secondary education. All levels of education have their own special importance and place. Education is a very important tool for achieving success in life and doing something different.  It helps us to face challenges in difficult times of life. The knowledge gained during the whole learning process makes all of us and every person self-reliant towards our life. It gives opportunities to get better chances in life.  Opens the doors to various people, which promotes the development of career. In today's society, the importance of education has greatly expanded. In a society which lacks education, the people of that society can live their life properly.  Unable to live. Ill

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